How to Spring Clean

With Toronto experiencing dramatic fluctuating temperatures, it can be hard to believe that spring has really sprung. Spring forward into warmer seasons with a thorough deep clean. Even if you are living the most minimalist of lifestyles, there's always some forgotten dust bunnies! Here are our top items to deep clean every spring:


It might seem strange but, yes, you need to clean your dishwasher! Remove and clean the filter then replace. Soak the bottom of the dishwasher overnight with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda to deodorise. In the morning, run an empty cycle.

Lighting Fixtures

Dust and wash lighting fixtures. Often forgotten about, your lighting fixtures can be home to hidden cobwebs and dead bugs. Make sure all pieces of your lighting fixture are thoroughly dry before reassembling.  

Dust Bookshelves

Even the most avid reader needs to dust away the cobwebs, from time to time. Take everything off each shelf and dust gently using an appropriate cleaner. For delicate wood be sure to check what cleaner is best for your shelf. For laminate, try vinegar diluted with water.

Wash Switch Plates

Frequently used but often overlooked, switch plates need to be cleaned too. Unscrew the plates from the wall and gently soak them if especially grimy. For light wear and tear, wipe down with a damp cloth and reaffix when totally dry.

Change your Bedding

Spruce up your decor by changing your bedding. Put away any heavy wool blankets and experiment with bright, refreshing colours and textures.